The trip this time was heavy, because we will be in Aceh for a catastrophic coverage after the tsunami struck Aceh. There we were scheduled to travel overland from Banda Aceh to Meulaboh and Bireuen then returned to Banda Aceh.
Road trip is quite tiring thought. Asleep in bed on the plane for 2.5 hours. We arrived at also in Aceh.
Our friend from an NGO was waiting to take us a while wandering in Banda Aceh.Seeing the conditions after the tsunami disaster struck this city. Does not feel fast once the sun goes down, and we will prepare the way to Meulaboh in the night.
Although we told friends, many Acehnese who can not forget the tsunami incident.The entry of non-governmental organizations both domestic and foreign, to make development go faster.
Here are some photos when time chasing us in Aceh
Waiting for Part II when we were in Meulaboh and stories about artificial contraception native population there and a beautiful virgin beach of Meulaboh
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