If I Become a Photojournalist (one of two posts)

Photojournalism can not be separated from the photography. A photo journalist should master the basic photography as a handle in charge. Being a photojournalist beyond than just knowing how to take great photos. This is the first of two posts in photojournalism.
A fire extinguisher that uses heat-resistant clothing is carrying the victim out of the Boeing 737 Garuda Indonesian Airways destination Jakarta-Surabaya after the previously received bomb threats in the Emergency Response exercise at Soekarno-Hatta, Jakarta, 2004. {Tommy Satria Photo}

In the first part, will discuss how to take pictures in the style of journalism and how to mix reporting with photography. While In the second part, we will look into more than how to become a photojournalist and make a career out of it.

{Your Preparation}

Here you considered already mastered the basic techniques of photography, so how to take pictures, when to press the shutter button and release it, the lens aperture, ISO and others. Thus, if there is a good moment to be captured - you get used to and not stiff or nervous.

However, you need to remember that not all places allow to take pictures. Why? This code of ethics that have been associated with generally accepted as set out in the Code of Ethics, The National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) - A community of professional society that promotes the highest standards in visual journalism, acknowledges concern for every person needs to either fully informed about events public and danri recognized as part of the world in which we live.

And foremost as a photojournalist is to adjust the matter of clothing you wear-you will not show up to shoot a president simply by using the sandals and T-shirts alone. Or maybe instead you shoot fire by using a black suit and tie.

{Arrive early, Home Over End}

Being a photojournalist is required to capture the scenes before and after the event or events. While this is sometimes a debate among photojournalists. But at least for one or two events you can take action to come early and leave late.
Some of the officers was carrying ballot boxes to polling stations 23, in Bojong Gede, Bogor, 2004.{Tommy Satria Photo}


Your photos tell the story to be credible and accurate. You should always take photos of what happened and not what you think should happen. Not every opportunity will be sensational and do not need to be news. Never interrupt the flow or get things subject to re-pose or do something.


With regard to accuracy, processing or post-shoot editing photos, it's worth the excessive use of photoshop is not allowed. An image should not cheat, so do not need much editing just to get rid of something that is disturbing.

{Do not lose sight of the bigger picture}

A good photograph does not always mean it's newsworthy. Never lose focus of the story you are trying to tell. Photos should always be relevant to the article end. A close-up shots of flowers are great if you include flower show, but not so great when you're reporting sporting events.

{Capture Emotions}

Although the close-up objects can not convey much information, but a close-up photograph of a person can say so much. If it's an event, anticipate what kind of emotions that will be displayed and patiently waited. Zoom in close and crop out unnecessary distractions.

{Be professional}

As a photojournalist, you not only a photographer behind the camera. Your company faces really well. Always be professional in your approach and respect for others, journalists and local culture.

{Better writer}

Most photojournalists also write news articles. Start small and just write 200-300 words. Make an interesting article. If you do not get the attention of readers in 50 words, then most likely they will stop reading altogether. Get a friend to read it and offer some constructive criticism.

Do not forget to practice writing a description as well. Description help direct the focus of the photo and give a little background information for readers. A description of both short can make better pictures.

{Yes, you can be creative}

The main focus of photojournalism is to document the events and subjects in the news format. However, there is no reason why the photos need to be bland. And there is nothing stopping you from snapping up additional photographs. For inspiration, look at the collection of the best photos with the photo journalist at Reuters, the Associated Press or Getty.

to be continued...

| tommysat@gmail.com | @thomazfoto | The Eye Of Me

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