Gasing The Oldest Game That Was Almost Lost

Gasing is a toy that can rotate on the shaft and balanced at a point. Gasing is the oldest toy found at various archaeological sites and still be recognizable. In addition to the toys of children and adults, also Gasing used for gambling and divination fate.

Most tops are made from wood, although often made of plastic, or other materials.Wood carved and shaped up to be part of a Gasing. Gasing rope is generally made of nylon, while the traditional Gasing rope made from bark. Long strap Gasing vary depending on the length of the arms of people who play.

Movement Gasing based gyroscopic effect. Gasing are usually staggered spin for a while until the interaction of the foot (pivot) to the soil surface making it erect. After a Gangsing spinning upright for a while, angular momentum and gyroscopic effect gradually decreases until finally the body fell roughly to the ground.

All Photo's Copyright by Tommy Satria Photo

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