The Beauty of Batik Origin Paseban Cigugur, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia

Batik Paseban Cigugur Kunigan, being increasingly reveal his true identity. During the six years of a long search conducted by Prince Djatikusumah to revive the legacy of ancestors.
Prince Djatikusumah perform search Paseban batik which is considered extinct.Through deepening of his artistic soul who found through carving and reliefs. If the observed Paseban batik has a different character with a batik that already exist in West Java, Cirebon, Garut and especially famous for its motive Wadasan.The result of such excavation, Mayang Segara, Geger Sunten, Oyod Minggang, Adu Manis, Rereng Pwah Aci, Sekar Galuh and Rereng Kujang.

It is said, batik is still a place in people's hearts, especially foreign tourists and domestic and observers felt attracted to batik batik Paseban. It was after several promotions such as holding exhibitions.

The execution of batik originated from design to design, then describe it in a piece of white cloth, then made merengreng or paint with wax on the fabric.

The next stage of closing or nembok, this process is related to the staining. After this process, then continued dyeing cloth that had covered the whole night.

Batik as cultural heritage, its existence is very strategic because it relates to industrial fabrics, as well as fashion. As a result of industrial, batik possess strategic value of being able to absorb labor.Cultural values and sacred when people wear fashion motif raises its own image. Batik Paseban step by step until the final goal is to enliven the Indonesian batik.

All photo's Copyright by Tommy Satria Photos

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